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Report Content

OpenAI’s usage policies apply globally. We also have processes in place to remove or restrict access to content based on local laws. Please use this form to tell us about potential policy violations or illegal content. For copyright and trademark disputes specifically, please make those reports here: Copyright form, Trademark form

Reporting can also be done in-product. Learn more about in-product reporting flows here(opens in a new window).

What product does this relate to? *
Please include URLs where available directly to the content you are reporting.
Tell us why you are reporting this content *
If there is any additional information you believe would be helpful, please provide it here.

Tell us if you believe the content is illegal

Your assistance helps us take the right action on reported content. If you think the content you’re reporting is illegal, please explain why in detail. Whenever possible, include the specific law that was violated and the country it applies to. Without enough information, we may not be able to act on your report.

Finalize your report

By clicking submit, you attest that the information in this form is provided by you in good faith and is truthful, accurate, and complete.