Using Operator in line with our policies
All Operator users have agreed to OpenAI’s Usage Policies, Service Terms, and Terms of Use. These policies apply universally to OpenAI services and are designed to ensure safe and responsible usage of AI technology. Below are some tips on how to respect Operator’s guardrails and ensure that all usage complies with ethical standards, legal requirements, and OpenAI’s Usage Policies.
You must be at least 18 years old to use Operator.
1. Misleading Activities
Our policies prohibit using Operator to defraud, scam, spam, or mislead others, including:
- Impersonating individuals or organizations without consent or legal right
- Misrepresenting or concealing the role of AI technology in tasks or interactions
- Spreading disinformation or creating fake online interactions, like false reviews or profiles
2. Illegal Activities
OpenAI’s terms prohibit any content or usage that violates the law. You may not use Operator to infringe on privacy or intellectual property, or facilitate illegal activities, including those targeting minors.
3. Harmful Activities
Operator users are prohibited from creating harmful content or engaging in harmful behaviors or interactions, including:
- Producing, sharing, or facilitating content or experiences that sexualize children
- Bullying, harassment, defamation, or discrimination based on protected attributes
- Inciting or enabling violence
4. High Consequence Domains
Our policies prohibit using Operator for regulated activities without following applicable rules. Specifically, users should not:
- Make high-stakes decisions in areas that affect your safety, rights or well-being
- Automate actions like stock trading or other investment transactions
- Engage in political campaigning or lobbying
5. Circumventing Restrictions and Safeguards
Operator users are not allowed to bypass rate limits, or restrictions, restrictions, or safety measures on our services.