
Simple and flexible. Only pay for what you use.
Aerial shot of two people sitting in black armchairs around a round red table, one holding a smartphone while sitting cross-legged, another sitting cross-legged

Language models

Multiple models, each with different capabilities and price points. Prices can be viewed in units of either per 1M or 1K tokens. You can think of tokens as pieces of words, where 1,000 tokens is about 750 words. This paragraph is 35 tokens.

Language models are also available in the Batch API that returns completions within 24 hours for a 50% discount.

GPT-4 Turbo

With 128k context, fresher knowledge and the broadest set of capabilities, GPT-4 Turbo is more powerful than GPT-4 and offered at a lower price.

gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09$10.00 / 1M tokens$30.00 / 1M tokens

Vision pricing calculator



With broad general knowledge and domain expertise, GPT-4 can follow complex instructions in natural language and solve difficult problems with accuracy.
gpt-4$30.00 / 1M tokens$60.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4-32k$60.00 / 1M tokens$120.00 / 1M tokens

GPT-3.5 Turbo

GPT-3.5 Turbo models are capable and cost-effective.

gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 is the flagship model of this family, supports a 16K context window and is optimized for dialog.

gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct is an Instruct model and only supports a 4K context window.

gpt-3.5-turbo-0125$0.50 / 1M tokens$1.50 / 1M tokens
gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct$1.50 / 1M tokens$2.00 / 1M tokens

Assistants API

The Assistants API and its tools make it easy for developers to build AI assistants in their applications. The tokens used for the Assistant API are billed at the chosen language model's per-token input / output rates. Additionally, we charge the following fees for tool usage:

Code interpreter$0.03 / session
File Search$0.10 / GB of vector-storage per day (1 GB free)

GB refers to binary gigabytes (also known as gibibyte), where 1 GB is 2^30 bytes.

Fine-tuning models

Create your own custom models by fine-tuning our base models with your training data. Once you fine-tune a model, you’ll be billed only for the tokens you use in requests to that model.
ModelTrainingInput usageOutput usage
gpt-3.5-turbo$8.00 / 1M tokens$3.00 / 1M tokens$6.00 / 1M tokens
davinci-002$6.00 / 1M tokens$12.00 / 1M tokens$12.00 / 1M tokens
babbage-002$0.40 / 1M tokens$1.60 / 1M tokens$1.60 / 1M tokens

Embedding models

Build advanced search, clustering, topic modeling, and classification functionality with our embeddings offering.
text-embedding-3-small$0.02 / 1M tokens
text-embedding-3-large$0.13 / 1M tokens
ada v2$0.10 / 1M tokens

Base models

GPT base models are not optimized for instruction-following and are less capable, but they can be effective when fine-tuned for narrow tasks.
davinci-002$2.00 / 1M tokens
babbage-002$0.40 / 1M tokens

Other models

Image models

Build DALL·E directly into your apps to generate and edit novel images and art. DALL·E 3 is the highest quality model and DALL·E 2 is optimized for lower cost.

DALL·E 3Standard1024×1024$0.040 / image
Standard1024×1792, 1792×1024$0.080 / image
DALL·E 3HD1024×1024$0.080 / image
HD1024×1792, 1792×1024$0.120 / image
DALL·E 21024×1024$0.020 / image
512×512$0.018 / image
256×256$0.016 / image

Audio models

Whisper can transcribe speech into text and translate many languages into English.

Text-to-speech (TTS) can convert text into spoken audio.

Whisper$0.006 / minute (rounded to the nearest second)
TTS$15.00 / 1M characters
TTS HD$30.00 / 1M characters

Please note that our Usage Policies require you to provide a clear disclosure to end users that the TTS voice they are hearing is AI-generated and not a human voice.

Older models

We continue to improve our models and periodically retire older, less used models.

gpt-4-0125-preview$10.00 / 1M tokens$30.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4-1106-preview$10.00 / 1M tokens$30.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-4-vision-preview$10.00 / 1M tokens$30.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-3.5-turbo-1106$1.00 / 1M tokens$2.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-3.5-turbo-0613$1.50 / 1M tokens$2.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613$3.00 / 1M tokens$4.00 / 1M tokens
gpt-3.5-turbo-0301$1.50 / 1M tokens$2.00 / 1M tokens

Simple and flexible

Pay as you go
To keep things simple and flexible, pay only for the resources you use.

Choose your model
Use the right model for the job. We offer a spectrum of capabilities and price points.

  • Notion
  • Ironclad